Butterbean's Cafe Wikia

Butterbean Babysits! is the 23rd episode of Butterbean's Café released on-air and online on January 14, 2019. It combines with the next episode; Fairy Cozy Cocoa! for the 13th full episode of the first season.


The Bean Team, including Butterbean, has a hard time keeping a customer's bubbly baby happy, calm – and ultimately – worn out and tired.


Butterbean and Cricket entered the café and greeted Dazzle. As Butterbean went to put on her worksuit, Cricket asked Dazzle what she's doing; to which she replied she was sorting out cookie cutters from dinosaur to star and to airplane. Mrs. Hoshie came into the café with her baby, Pip, and greeted whoever was present. Butterbean saw and remaked that Pip was getting so big and so adorable. When asked how she can help her, Mrs. Hoshie said she'd like to bring some cookies for a party of one of Pip's friends. Butterbean asked her what kind of cookies they'd like and Pip released himself to act as an airplane, making not just Professor Cosmos and Mrs. Brookbinder stare at him, but the four females on the other side giggle. Cricket verbally wanted from his mother what he's doing, which gave her big sister the idea to make airplane cookies; and both Dazzle and Cricket showed her the airplane cookie cutter they had. With Mrs. Hoshie liking the idea, Butterbean connected her bean screen to the Beanitor and showed her fewer steps into making them, going rather straight into the shape and decoration of the cookies. Pleased, she summoned her baby to leave, with the second referring herself as "mummy" saying she has a lot of erramds to do before the party. Pip then felt sad and raced towards Cricket's arms instead of his mother's. Cricket said what she thought about this to her and with Pip slightly moaning with the meaning of staying with them, she hugged him as she let out the cooing utterance. Butterbean told her Pip is welcome to stay with them whiles she go to do her errands. She then justified that it'll be fun of them when she questioned her of her assurancs of not minding that. In her first interaction with the viewer(s), Butterbean said it wasn't too hard babysitting Cricket when she was as little as Pip and now wonders without worry how hard could it be as it is just one Pip babysat by a whole bean team (which she referred to as "a lot of us").

Cricket started playing peek-a-boo with him, erecting a giggle out of her big sister. Mrs. Hoshie left after paying with her credit card. Butterbean pulled out her airplane cookie cutter and and a cup as a playing microphone, faking a bake-off announcement after which she giggled with the girls. Cookie offered to keep watch of Pip whiles she makes the cookies, which she appreciates; as the Let's Get Cooking! song rolled, they made them. Poppy can see that they're having a lot of fun, but Butterbean thinks it's too much, meeting and telling Cricket they should play a different game and not get him too excited. That talk though seemed to be in vain, with Pip surprising Professor Cosmos and knocking tables and chairs, leading Butterbean to guiltlessly apologize to him and race for Pip. When she gets him, he cries. She confesses in her next viewer interaction, adding that he had a lot of energy.

Dazzle gave him a smoothie as she, Butterbean and her little sister tried to console him. He temporarily brought his smile back, but threw it at the customers' direction, leading Dazzle to guiltlessly apologize to him. He wailed again until the screeching sound from the tablet returned his smile back. Cricket and Dazzle relieved Butterbean with their cohesion so as to help Poppy finish the cookies, as reflected in her 4th viewer interaction. With a high five, Butterbean remarked that Pip and his friends are going to love them. With the sound of a falling wooden heap, the girls flew to the main café area, where Cricket revealed a bunny game she showed him caused him to hop endlessly, knocking tables and chairs in his way. Jasper came in and, on Butterbean's request, grabbed him and all of a sudden, Pip made a face which suggest to Cricket he likes him. Jasper asked him if he's flying as he playing airplane, which gave Butterbean the idea to have him fly with Pip which will indiectly give her time to finish the cookies. Jasper agreed and took Pip off. She verbally sighed in her 5th viewer interaction. Poppy took the airplane cookies out of the oven and took off an icing bag, ready for the smear! Butterbean verbally noticed Pip was no more making airplane sounds so she came out to check. When she asked a tired and worn-out Jasper, he replied that he flew him as fast as he could until he laid dizzily, adding that babies make him tired. Whether he knew the meaning of his last sentence or not, Pip cried again. Butterbean made it clear she wants Mrs. Hoshie to return for him as she hates giving up in her interaction with the viewer(s).

Butterbean re-said about his abundant energy, Jasper verbally moaning at his fatigue and only Cricket said Pip should be as tired as Jasper is. Butterbean condisered it but asked her little sister how; to which she replied that if she hops with him more and more, it might tire him out. Butterbean escorted Jasper inside whiles Cricket did her thing with Pip. Inside, Poppy packaged the airplane cookies and via her 'magic spoon' handed it to the table right infront of her and Dazzle. After sharing appreciation, Butterbean headed out of the café to check on them. Butterbean took a now-asleep Pip to her cot. He got up to the surprise of them, so as to get Butterbean not only rushing to get the cookies from Poppy, but to have Cricket remove the packaging in a zip. Butterbean pulled out a lullaby bean and did the fairy finish on the cookies to make them fly and play a lullaby to coax him back to sleep. After they both cooed, Mrs. Hoshie came in and couldn't believe Pip was actually asleep after the unrest in the morning. With her seeing the cookies still flying, Butterbean brought them down to repackage it and hand it to her via her magic whisk. Butterbean verbally brushed any trouble with Pip when she asked, but in asking her little sister, she saw her also fast asleep, bringing the laughter out of her and Mrs. Hoshie. In her last and final interaction with the viewer(s), she confessed about the difficulty in babysitting and she could use a nap herself, despite saying that there is still a lot of work to be done. She yawned and laughed after realizing she did it right before them (the audience)!!
