Butterbean's Cafe Wikia

Hello, Marma Team! is the 110th and last episode of Butterbean's Café which was released on-air and online on November 1, 2020 as the 20th and final episode of the series' secon season.


Ms. Marmalady is getting restless and frustrated at her monkey employees that she would rather opt to have The Bean Team work for her instead. But will she later realize that "it isn't just getting the team to work for you – you have to work with and alongside them in harmony"?


It's the anniversary day of the founding of The Bean Team and Butterbean and her little sister, Cricket, headed into the café, with the former greeting Poppy, Dazzle andJasper and calling for a meeting at the main area close to the menu announcement screen. After finishing their current errands and converging there, Butterbean suggested celebrating the founding of the team by making the very first "special" snack/meal after launching the café: the butterfly-shaped cookies which they called "flutter cookies" or "fairy flutter cookies". Butterbean connected her bean screen tablet to the TV screen to broadcast the menu to them. At Marmalady's Café, Ms. Marmalady spied at them using her spyglass and wondered why she didn't have them working for her. The monkeys showed her she has them instead, but they goofed off and fell down from the counter table, justifying why she would rather want them. Hearing the delivery truck put down a package, she had the chance to get them. She went out and brought the package inside; she revealed the hat-shaped simulators which her monkey employees thought in laughter they were like her café hats. She told the viewer(s) her plan to get the bean team to wear the simulators so that they could be under her command.

Butterbean called out the ingredients, the first of which was butter which, Jasper took out of the pantry and put it on the cooking table. The next was flour; both Poppy and Dazzle got their single separate bags which they put on the same table. Cricket told them not to forget the sprinkles as she shook its container; her big sister assured her it wouldn't be her team (which includes her), but her cry of "Let's Get Cooking!" got interrupted by Ms. Marmalady's call. Both she and Dazzle looked at each other before the former answered. The latter thought loud for Butterbean to hear of her making a cake for them, which Butterbean beamed as fairy nice, but pretended with dramatic poses and pleas that she had ran out of a couple of things, send Poppy to bring her a cup of sugar and Dazzle to bring her a blender. Butterbean affirmed despite both Poppy and Dazzle looking puzzled at her and the rest of the team seeing her request as a trick, citing her doing "something so nice" for them. They took the items and assured the rest of the bean team they'll be back soon (or real soon) and nothing would keep them from their anniversary. Poppy and Dazzle came to Marmalady's Café with the items and they called out to Ms. Marmalady. She appeared from the stairs, told them to stay where they are and made the monkeys introduce them as "their newest employees". Spork and Spatch rapidly appeared simultaneously via the ceeling spyglass holder with the beeping hat-shaped simulators and dropped each one on their heads before they could react. She pressed the "power" button on her simulation watch to make them simulated; she commanded them via the watch to "say hello" and they responded in robotic accent. The monkeys tested their focal senses and got amazed at how it had worked. Ms. Marmalady jubilated to the viewer(s) her plan was working; she then cleared her throat and turned her focus to the other half of them, being Cricket and Jasper, for the team to no more be "The Bean Team" but rather the "Marma-Team".

Back at Butterbean's Café, Cricket sang her version of "Let's Get Cooking!" adding the line "That the last cookie!" at the end as she laid down the last butterfly-shaped cookie on the baking tray with her magic-induced icing bag. She and Jasper happily lamented the next steps for the cookies to be ready, but Butterbean with a worried look on her face took the baking tray and stressed to them that they shouldn't finish without Poppy and Dazzle, who should returned by then. The tablet rang and Butterbean saw it was Ms. Marmalady again; she thought she would know where they are. She answered and asked her if Poppy and Dazzle are returning yet, but Ms. Marmalady negated her reply and rather pretend that the anniversary is so big they couldn't carry it by themselves and that Cricket and Jasper should come over to help. Butterbean looked at them and they gave her the "no" gestures; she told Ms. Marmalady to hold for a minute. Jasper asked her in whispers why they would need a cake while they are making cookies; Butterbean agreed but assured him that if they help, they would be back together and told Ms. Marmalady they would be coming. With her request answered, the latter thanked her and hanged up the call. Cricket told her big sister not to ice the cookies without them as she and Jasper headed fo the door. Butterbean assured them they would finish the cookies as a team before they left the café.

When Cricket and Jasper arrived, Poppy and Dazzle each came with a hat-shaped simulator and put them on their heads. Before the former two could get confused by this, Ms. Marmalady told them via her watch to say "Hello" and pressed the power button to line them up like a robot army. The monkeys uttered sounds of disbelief and their boss oozed satisfaction at collecting the bean team. Ms. Marmalady replied to them when they asked what she would do with Butterbean and them to make sure Butterbean doesn't appear at the café, and that her "marma-team" had a lot of work to do. The monkeys left the café dejected both in facial expression and movement. Unknown to her talking to a robotic "marma-team", Ms. Marmalady acted as commander and follower, asking what special to do and replying to her own question in the likeness of the bean team special with a "marma-" prefix to "celebrate her marmalous team". She held the team together like a mother as she said the last line. Butterbean told the viewer(s) the fairy flutter cookies are out of the oven but her friends haven't yet returned. Sighing disappointingly, she continued that it was hard having a "bean team anniversary" without the bean team. She heard the café front door open and her mood went upside down completely as she head for the main area asking where they have been so long, but rather saw the dejected Spork and Spatch. She greeted them and asked them where the bean team were; Spork replied they were at Marmalady's now that they are the "marma-team". Spatch heared the puzzled utterance from Butterbean and reminded Spork not to mention it but Butterbean sped off to Marmalady's Café to see it for herself. Spatch thought loudly as he and Spork chased after her she wasn't supposed to do it.

Outside Marmalady's Café, Butterbean and the monkeys saw the "marma-team" in operation with Ms. Marmalady letting out a silent scheming laugh. Spatch explained to her what she is seeing and what was happening. Ms. Marmalady wasn't seeing any flour dough Jasper and Cricket were cutting with their circular cutters and called Poppy via the watch to bring her one lump. Poppy rapidly threw the dough at Ms. Marmalady who reflexisively caught it well; saying afterwards in robotic fashion, "More dough!" before returning to her errand. Ms. Marmalady was angered by that as she questioned to them if they worked like that at their café. Butterbean provided the answer, but to herself; she saw that they were not working together like usually and would probably return them to the "bean team" mindset if she could get them to work together. She asked Spork and Spatch if they would help her out and they agreed. She sent them to bring the "un-iced" cookies and her team's magic-induced tools to the café and they went out happily that they're helping. With the monkeys gone, Butterbean vowed to the viewer(s) not to let Ms. Marmalady ruin the bean team's anniversary and show her how real teamwork looks like. Inside Marmalady's Café, Ms. Marmalady wasn't Jasper put the "marma-mix" butterfly-shaped cookies on the floor instead of the tray and made him know via her watch. After she communicated to Dazzle using her watch to bring the sprinkles, Butterbean came in via the kitchen with the monkeys with a determined face asking if she could help. Ms. Marmalady tried to mask what she's sufferring with her "team with a pretend beaming facial expression to Butterbean but Dazzle came and sprayed sprinkles on on her fett/shoes, mentioning "sprinkles". Butterbean mentioned to her she had no teamwork mentality, as they are doing what she says without working together. When Ms. Marmalady challenged Butterbean on how she's going to do that, the latter began singing Let's Get Cooking and handing each of the bean team members their magic-induced tools, which sprayed magic to destroy the simulators and restore their normality. Poppy joined in first, followed by Dazzle, then Cricket and lastly Jasper. Ms. Marmalady watched in confusion, shock and desperation as the team completed the song and the cookies, after which they did the teamwork hand gesture with the monkeys doing likewise. Ms. Marmalady desperately and repeatedly tapped the simulation watch until it malfunctioned and got destroyed. Butterbean removed a together bean and her whisk from her pockets to do the fairy finish on the cookies. The cookies rose to the ceiling and formed a heart shape as Butterbean wished her team "Happy Anniversary!" before each cookie bearing the team member's theme dropped on to their grasp. The team responded likewise and laughed Spatch gave a 'defeated' Ms. Marmalady the remaining cookie on the tray wishing her "no more marma-team" to her. She thanked them, took the cookie and ate it; her mood changed by its taste. Butterbean assured her she already had a team of her own as the monkeys wore the simulators and motioned robotically to hug her. She disappointingly agreed, hugging them back as she added they weren't so bad. As the bean team dug in on their cookies, Butterbean conluded the day's events by mentioning to the viewer(s) that it wouldn't be teamwork if one person tells the rest what to do, but when they work together and share what makes them fairy special, that would be when the magic happens. Cricket came like a robot onscreen and mentioned the quote her big sister gave her from Cricket's the Boss!. Butterbean affirmed and touched her nose, invoking laughter out of them, after which Poppy, Dazzle and Jasper joined in and the episode fades out.


  • Spork and Spatch indirectly but opted to side with Butterbean and the bean team.
  • As each bean team member got hold of his/her magic-induced tools, which disabled and destoyed the hat-shaped simulators, one would argue that Ms. Marmalady should have just stormed out of the café instead of feeling defeated.
  • Butterbean mentioned to Jasper when he asked her why they should go to Marmalady's to bake a cake when they are already making cookies to go so they could all come together. The viewer may argue she shouldn't even think of that in the first place.