Butterbean's Cafe Wikia

The Marmalady Sisters! is the 66th episode of Butterbean's Café which was released on-air and online on November 4, 2019. It combines with the next episode; Butterbean's Is Closing!, for the 36th complete episode of the first season.




  • This episode may confirm Butterbean and Cricket have no last name (or at least the announcer doesn't know what it is) as unlike the other teams which have been named in the format "Surname Siblings" ("Lopez Brothers" and "Marmalady Sisters") while their team was simply called "Butterbean and Cricket".
    • that said: they were actually introduced "Ms. Marmalady and her sister Martha": only the actual episode title uses phrase "Marmalady Sisters" indicating that Martha's surname is also Marmalady.
  • This is the second time Cricket's age was mentioned, the first was "The Towering Tower of Crepes!".