The Splat Spot! is the 76th overall episode of Butterbean's Café released on-air and online on February 2, 2020. It is combined with the previous episode; EZ-PZ!, for the 2nd episode of the second season .
Disguised as Clara Cleanspot, Ms. Marmalady closes Butterbean's Café! The team must stop her or they'll lose their customers!
Butterbean and her little sister were harvesting carrots from Poppy's garden. Cricket made a rhyme of shaking carrots as she was doing it and her big sister joined in, giggling instinctively as it was seriously amusing. Heading out of the garden, they greeted the Hops Elders and Butterbean told them they were picking up carrots for their family dinner at the café. Mr. Hops mentioned some of their names as the Hopses were many: Henry, Harry, Hickory, Han and Hiro. Between the sisters, they knew they had to get more carrots than what they had. At their rival café, Ms Marmalady was spying on them and was plotting to move their dinner to hers whiles her monkey aides were playing cards. Spatch pulled out fish as Spork mentioned; "Go fish!" She sent them off to their café to spy inside, but realized she had to do it alone as the monkeys inversely chased each other over a fish.
Cricket told Poppy as she came to the the café's kitchen she and her big sister had brought a lot of carrots from her garden and she was pleased. Butterbean then realized she had brought footprints from outside. Poppy cautioned that if Clara Cleanspot sees it, she'll point it out in her own kind of tone. Butterbean replied with her bean screen about her when her little sister asked who she was. Poppy added that if a splat spot is posted on your café door, it has to be cleaned to the detail before recalling her for inspection and then your café will open. Ms. Marmalady saw this as an opportunity to close their café so hers would be the only open café in town; she made her plan known to the viewer(s).